Juno Reactor - ALBUM COLLECTION 1993-2023 (DIGITAL)
When you complete the purchase, you will get a PDF document that will include info and guidelines to download the Album Collection; our team will send you a personal and unique download link to the email used to complete the purchase within 24h.
The total file size is 5.24GB; ensure enough space in your device. The file is a .zip archive. Once downloaded, extract the content and enjoy it!
This Special Collection includes all the official albums:
- Transmissions (1993)
- Luciana (1994)
- Beyond the Infinite (1995)
- Bible of Dreams (1997)
- Shango (2000)
- Labyrinth (2004)
- Gods & Monsters (2008)
- The Golden Sun of the Great East (2013)
- The Mutant Theatre (2018)
Cover Artwork: Kenji
£90.00 通常価格
© & ℗ Juno Reactor, 1993-2023. All rights of the producer and of the owner of the work reproduced reserved. Unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting of this recording prohibited.